Writing My Way To A Dell UltraSharp 2407FPW 24 inch LCD Widescreen Monitor – Part 3
In my last post on this project I mentioned that I had cranked out 11 article outlines on a cross-country airplane flight and just needed to flesh them out before uploading them to Associated Content to sell.
My hope was that I could spend a few hours one afternoon or evening to crank out the finished articles and submit them, but life hasn’t quite worked out like that. Living with a 15 week old daughter in a studio apartment is challenging and the ups and downs of her day have a huge impact on the time and energy I have to work on this project.
Starting today, I’m trying to get the process moving again by writing one article on my subway ride to work. From the time I sit down on the train to when I arrive at my stop, there is about 20 minutes for me to work. This is just about right for the time I allotted for drafting each article.
Today I wrote an article titled “Speed Write Your Non-Fiction Book Using Dictation.” The total article length was just under 700 words. I typed it up over lunch and submitted it to Associated Content.
One of the drawbacks to working this way is that I hand write each article and then go back and type the hand written text before submitting it. I’m not a very fast typist, so this added another 20 minutes to the process. Including about 10 minutes to log in and upload the article, I have spent about an hour creating and submitting this article. That is going to reduce my overall hourly rate for writing – but I’m getting closer to my monitor and taking advantage of time that is usually not profitable to get the work done.
I also decided to submit this article as a non-exclusive article. The subject matter is relevant to a couple of projects I am working on, so I want to have the freedom to re-use the text (although I will probably rework it before using it anywhere else.) I will submit future articles as exclusives to see if the payments offered are better. If the difference is small, I’ll just keep doing non-exclusives to keep my options open.
If you would like to see the types of content I have been paid to write, visit my user profile at Associated Content.
Who knows, if I can get a seat on the subway going home tonight, I might knock out another article!
I wrote 1 1/2 articles on the train ride home. I typed up and submitted “How To Fly Without Getting Sick” as an exclusive submission. It took about the same amount of time as the earlier article to complete and submit. That’s 2 down and 8 1/2 articles to go in this first batch.
The Go-To Guy!