
The Power of Focus In Your Online Business (or Anywhere!)

‘5 Bucks A Day’, by Dennis Becker – It is better than ‘The Secret’, it’s the answer to your frustrations with your online marketing efforts.

Picture two people standing behind a row of expensive cars. They can have any one they choose if only they can push it 200 yards.

The first person picks a nice black Lexus and starts pushing. The car barely moves, but she just keeps at it.

The second person spots a good looking red Porsche. He digs in behind it and starts to push. When it doesn’t move very far he starts to wonder of the Mercedes down the line might roll a little better and runs over to try that one. When the Mercedes doesn’t roll any faster, he tries the Lincoln and then the Cadillac. He jumps back and forth from car to car hoping that one of them will just roll along effortlessly.

Before long he is exhausted and none of the cars have moved very far. He realizes that, at this pace, it will take weeks to get one of the cars to go 200 yards. He thinks about how much time and effort it has taken to get this far and decides to quit the whole thing.

As he begins to walk away, he notices the first person has moved her car almost 50 yards and it is rolling along pretty fast. She will likely have the car across the finish line within the hour.

Shaking his head in disgust the second person exclaims, “It figures she would get the light car, I never have any luck!” Then he walks away.

This little parable illustrates the problem that many online small business owners face. The first person’s car wasn’t any easier to push, she just continued to focus her energy on it. As the car began to roll it gained momentum until she didn’t have to push very hard to keep it going.

Many entrepreneurs start looking for a business opportunity and get seduced by a slick sales pitch. They buy a program or the latest moneymaking technique and then try it for a little while. When they don’t wake up to piles of cash, they try another and another until finally giving up and deciding they just can’t make a living online and quit.

The Internet makes it easy to get distracted. A world of information is at your fingertips. Your email inbox piles up with offers from the latest guru who promises to help you make mountains of cash. Many of the offers you find are actually good, but you have to stay with them long enough to get some momentum.

Pick a project you want to accomplish and focus your efforts. Break it down into smaller sub-projects that you can complete easily and then commit yourself to working on each one until it is completed.

When you complete the first project, come up with a second that builds on the work done for the first. Break it into manageable pieces and then focus on getting that done.

Complete and repeat! The power of focused effort will build momentum for your business and before long you won’t have to push anymore – you’ll have to run to keep up.

Dennis Becker teaches the power of focus. His ‘5 Bucks a Day‘ ebook and forum challenges people to focus on building thriving businesses by building a portfolio of profitable projects using whatever system fits their interests and skills.

Read my review of Dennis Becker’s ‘5 Bucks a Day’ ebook.

You can also visit Dennis’ blog and learn more about the latest news in the 5 Bucks world.

Andrew Seltz

Andrew was born in Michigan, raised there and in Tennessee, and has since lived outside Orlando, in Chicago, New York City, and now Birmingham, Alabama. He produces videos and websites for a living and is married to a beautiful, generous, loving woman who also happens to be a talented actress and writer - They have two daughters.

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