Starting Up The Synchronicity Engine
Today I decided to fire up my synchronicity engine and see what it would do for my online business efforts. I made a post on Russell Brunson’s Conquer Your Niche Forum in the Joint Ventures and Special Offers section. The gist of the message was this – I’ve got lots of skills and need to work with other people to create products and businesses using these skills.
Within 5 minutes of posting my message I had 3 people checking out my resume online and inside of 30 minutes 2 more. There may be some emails in my inbox when I get home too!
The point of this post isn’t the traffic that the forum post generated, but that the action of announcing my intentions in a public forum has begun a chain of events that has the potential to change my life. Every time you expose yourself to this type of public discussion a new branch of possibilities opens up in your life.
The prospect of people looking over my resume and work and judging me is a little un-nerving, but the possibilities of what ‘could happen’ far outweigh the fears of rejection.
I’m planning to do this again in other forums to try and find people I can work with. There is no telling where it might take me.
The Go-To Guy!
P.S. Have you started a similar chain of events in your life? Leave a comment and let us know what happened.